Spiritual Discipline
Thriving Spiritually
during Coronavirus Stay At Home
Prayer As A Place by Charles Bello
Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation by Ruth Haley Barton
1. Worship
YouTube Playlist of worship
Last couple weeks’ livestream worship
2. Thanksgiving
3. Reading the Bible
4. Praying the Psalms
5. Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer Mobile App
6. Prayer of the Examen
Prayer of the Examen - PDF
Reimagining the Examen Mobile App
Examen App by Fuller Seminary
7. Lectio Divina
Charles Bello
Contemplative Bible Reading: Experiencing God Through Scripture (Spiritual Disciplines Study Guide) by Richard Peace
8. Journaling
Spiritual Journaling: Recording Your Journey Toward God (Spiritual Formation Series) by Richard Peace
9. Reading the Bible with your imagination
10. Immanuel Prayer
Books we recommend
Surrender To Love by David Benner
The Gift of Being Yourself by David Benner
The Pursuit Of God by AW Tozer
The Attributes of God: A Journey into the Father's Heart by AW Tozer
Celebration of Discipline - The Path to Spiritual Growth by Richard Foster